V-Raptor es un dron (UAV) con forma de ave rapaz para el control de aves en aeropuertos, plantas solares, aerogeneradores y otras aplicaciones


Drone (UAV) for bird deterrence or incognito surveillance

V-Raptor es un dron (UAV) con forma de ave rapaz para el control de aves en aeropuertos, plantas solares, aerogeneradores y otras aplicaciones

Autonomous flight

Surveillance Camera

Bird shape

Bird-shaped plane for Bird Deterrence or Incognito Surveillance.

V-Raptor is a UAV with the appearance of a bird of prey. Its biomimetic characteristic is key for bird deterrence missions or incognito surveillance.

Ideal for:

  • Airport security , avoiding the impact of birds on airplanes in the airport environment
  • Reduce the Environmental Impact of Wind Farms, avoiding bird mortality
  • Surveillance from the air
V-Raptor es un dron (UAV) con forma de ave rapaz para el control de aves en aeropuertos, plantas solares, aerogeneradores y otras aplicaciones

See V-RAPTOR in action

Frequently asked questions

How does V-Raptor work?

It is a bird-shaped biomimetic fixed-wing UAV that can fly completely autonomously from a programmed flight plan, or semi-automatically by directing it to its position in real time.

Why was the bird of prey design used?

To achieve avian deterrence, the bird of prey form has been chosen, and in particular that of Aquila Fasciata in attack position that is capable of capturing birds in flight, for two main reasons: on the one hand, it removes birds from view by survival instinct of these, and on the other hand, the markedly territorial character of this species, can achieve after making routine flights, establish a “V-Raptor territory”, so that although it is not necessarily in flight, other birds that have it identified on other occasions will have a tendency to avoid flying in said territory.

How do I know that V-Raptor is effective? Do birds get used to the presence of the V-Raptor?

It is easy to see with the naked eye that when other birds are in flight and the V-Raptor appears, they drift away trying to avoid being within reach; one of the behaviors observed in other birds is to lower the altitude and flee around the V-Raptor towards the back looking for an opposite course. On the other hand, the varied flights with the possibility of describing orbits and even following upward currents, imitate the natural form of the flight of this type of bird in such a way that they do not leave room for a behavior that is easy for other birds to learn.

Does V-Raptor work with all species of birds?

It is especially effective with birds of similar size or smaller.

Can V-Raptor coexist with traditional falconry?

The V-Raptor system can coexist and be used in combination with traditional falconry, reinforcing it at times or times where the biological cycles of birds limit the performance of flights. Additionally, the V-Raptor system makes it possible to carry out flights with fully programmed paths and frequencies, and additionally, it offers added value for inspection and aerial surveillance of airport runway facilities.

V-Raptor Specifications

Wing Span 1.600 mm
Length 725 mm
Power Plant Silent Brushless E-Motor
Flight Time 1h 45’
Range50 Km
MTOM2,4 kg
Operation Speed 40-90 km/h
CrewAutonomous / 1 Operator
Real Time Video (Optional) Optical / InfraRed
TakeoffHand / Catapult launch
Flight Operations Fully autonomous

What area can V-Raptor cover?

Depending on the scheduled flight patterns, with a cruising speed of 70km / h it can cover round trips from 50 to 60 km / h. or flying areas of about 600 ha.

Does V-Raptor have sensors and cameras?

Aside from the flight system’s own sensors that include precise geographic and angular positioning and barometric pressure, the basic V-Raptor system incorporates a 1200TVL camera, 150º FOV-D, 0.01 Lux, and 5.8GHz video transmission.

Can you buy or rent V-Raptor?

Both options are possible, also offering the flight campaign service tailored to the client, or training at the client’s premises. For more information, contact Ventor Innovations through the website (www.ventorinnovations.es) or by sending an email to info@ventorinnovations.es.

Is it necessary to train before driving the V-Raptor?

It is necessary to know and become familiar with the operation manual that is provided with the V-Raptor system, and to comply with the legal and safety obligations established by the Air Navigation Management, Inspection and Supervision body in your country. If you wish to acquire specific training or training, do not hesitate to contact Ventor Innovations through the website (https://www.ventorinnovations.es) or by sending an email to info@ventorinnovations.es.

Does Ventor carry out V-Raptor projects and demonstrations only in Spain?

Not only in Spain, Ventor Innovations markets products and services in other countries as well. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact Ventor Innovations through the website (www.ventorinnovations.es) or by sending an email to info@ventorinnovations.es.

How can I request a V-Raptor quote or demo?

It is very simple, contact Ventor Innovations through the website (www.ventorinnovations.es) or by sending an email to info@ventorinnovations.es sending us your request and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

Have a different question?

Send us an email to info@ventorinnovations.es or contact us at +34 91 064 48 80.

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    V-Raptor es un dron (UAV) con forma de ave rapaz para el control de aves en aeropuertos, plantas solares, aerogeneradores y otras aplicaciones

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