Presentation of innovative aeronautical patent

From 26-10 to 05-11 Ventor Innovations has presented the world novelty of aeronautical patent of “steerable motor with propeller Flap” at IFEMA, Madrid, within the framework of the World ATM Congress – Expodrónica and the International Security and Defense Fair FEINDEF. It is a new device in the aeronautical sector of particular relevance in the field of application of multirotor drones and vertical take-off aircraft (VTOL), with which we manage to optimally “merge” the performance of the world of “multirotor” with those of the “Fixed wing” world, reducing the number of mechanisms and engines, improving the aerodynamic design of the whole, and improving the transition between flight modes. This new system is incorporated by our UAV “V-Proton®” and the different models of the ZEROeVTOL® project.

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